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Wisconsin Bicycle Routes

About Us
Wisconsin Bicycle Routes was created by Bruce Thompson who became frustrated by the lack of a good source of information suggesting good bike routes around Wisconsin, especially those combining trails and roads. I enjoy exploring the byways and bike trails of Wisconsin, especially when accompanied by my wife Kathleen and daughter Laura. One of my most interesting projects was researching a bicycle map of Milwaukee and southeast Wisconsin, available from the publisher and many bike shops in the area.

In other spheres I have served on the Milwaukee school board, started a software company, and am on the board of the Downtown Montessori Academy, a Milwaukee charter school. I am currently a professor in the Rader School of Business at Milwaukee School of Engineering.

Thompson photo

  • In 2004, I started editing a journal called Third Education Group Review. It published several peer-reviewed articles before a disagreement broke out with the co-founder about an article I published and his decision to publish a rival journal under the same name. Although subsequent litiagation was successful, it has since not actively solicited articles since, although I hope to eventually revive it when time allows.The mission of the journal is to provoke serious discussion of educational policy issues. It is available on-line.
  • I publish a blog in conjuction with the Third Education Group commenting on education and other public issues. That replaces an earlier blog called Schools Now, which I wrote between terms on the Milwaukee School Board.