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Wisconsin Bicycle Routes

Bicycle Route Notes


Ozaukee County



I.         North-South Routes

The first three of these are alternatives on the Milwaukee-Door county route. 

            A.        Lakeshore route. This route runs from the Milwaukee county line to Port Washington, following Lake Michigan. As discussed in the Milwaukee County section, the section between Fairy Chasm Road in Bayside and Zedler Road in Mequon can be particularly hazardous. 

            B.        River Route. This route closely follows the Milwaukee River and is quite scenic. From the south, North River Road ends at Mequon Road. Mequon Rd has no shoulder so when traffic is heavy using the sidewalk to cross the Milwaukee River may be advisable. The route than goes through Thiensville and takes Green Bay Road to Grafton. The route continues north on the West Bank of the Milwaukee River through Saukville. 

                        1.         Connecting routes to the east. Several good roads connect the river route with the lakeshore route. These include Freistadt Road, Highland Rd., Lakefield Road, and Falls Road. It is also possible to switch to the Interurban Bike Trail where it crosses the river route, just north of Grafton. 

                        2.         Routes from Saukville. From Saukville it is possible to get to Port Washington, either by going south and picking up the Interurban Trail or by going north along the river and then west to Knellsville, just north of Port Washington. 

            C.        Interurban Trail. This paved trail runs the length of Ozaukee County, connecting with the Brown Deer trail in Milwaukee County and the Sheboygan County Interurban Trail, which runs to Oostburg. and Cedar Grove in Sheboygan County. There are a few on-road sections. A new bridge crosses I-43. 

            D.        Cedarburg to West Bend. From Cedarburg, this route takes Washington Avenue, passing a covered bridge to Cedar Sauk Road and continues west in Washington County to West Bend. This is part of a longer route to the North Kettle Moraine and Fond du Lac.

II.        East-west routes. 

            A.        Routes to Washington County. There are number of roads that lead west from Green Bay Road and the interurban Trail. Most of these are described in more detail in the section on Washington County.
